
Today is: Not as cool as last night!

Last night, I finally went to my first concert. I know, 29 years old and just now going to my first concert. You know what? Bite me!

Went to see Kelly Clarkson and Clay Aiken in concert. The concert opened with a cool local (Florida) group, The Beu Sisters. They were amazing. Voices like angels, and extremely cute as well.

Then, Kelly Clarkson came out and belted out some awesome powerful songs. Of course, it goes without saying for anybody who has eyes to see her, she is sexy and sweet. That girl knocks for a loop everytime. If you think Kelly looks good in her music videos on TV, you don't know the half of the story. She is guaranteed to blow you away in person.

Especially after her first set of a few songs, she runs backstage while the backup vocalists continue to sing. She, then, comes out in a knockout, luminous blue corset and slim black pants, that very skillfully accent her lovely curves. I thought my heart was going to stop. As Kelly would say, "Whoo-hoo!"

That would be a grievous understatement, trust me.

Then, finally Clay Aiken's turn on stage. I, and my friend, Keri are sitting waiting for the seriously boring intermission after Kelly's set and we hear the crowd start to scream. Not all at once, mind you. More like a steadily growing scream starting at one end of the stadium and slowly rolling to the other. Apparently, someone had spotted Clay ahead of his scheduled appearance and began freaking out. Which, in turn, caused the entire stadium full of girls to freak out.

The building goes dark, other than the stage lights and the backup vocalists begin singing Kyrie Eleison. Of course, everyone around our section is still dumbfounded as to what's going on. After the opening verses to the song, the very distinctive voice of Clay Aiken can be heard singing along with the group, still nowhere to be seen. until a single spotlight shines at the opposite end of the stadium. At which point, the screaming starts again, as he walks down the aisle practically in amongst the crowd.

He makes his way to stage, and does an awesome job on stage, as well. Now, I wouldn't exactly consider myself a Clay Aiken fan at that point, having only seen him briefly on American Idol and having only heard Invisible once or twice, but I'll tell you honestly, I really enjoyed listening to Clay do his best up there. Color me impressed!

A couple of the coolest things he did while on stage also impressed me. While singing one of his songs, he walked over to someone who was on a cell phone talking to one of their friends, reached for the phone and began singing to the person on the other end. Needless to say, the person on the phone started screaming and freaking out. He gave the phone back to the person in the crowd, saying that he couldn't sing to them anymore because they frantic and screaming with excitement. After he was finished, he asked who was on the phone, got the phone again and began talking to them, of course until they began freaking out again and handed the phone back.

There was also a girl in the audience, near to the stage, whose birthday was last night, I think her name was Stephanie, and he brught her up close and sang Happy Birthday to her. She was practically crying as he sang.

In the end, Clay and Kelly both returned to the stage and sang a beautiful duet before finally concluding for the evening. All in all, the entire concert was amazing.

Definitely, a concert more-than-worth attending for being my first concert. The only thing that would have made the evening better was to meet Kelly Clarkson and her to fall head-over-heels in love with me. Alas, it was not to be. But a man can dream, can't he?

Deep thought for the day: Surprise! It's time... to feel... what's real!


Today is: The beginning of the end.

Welcome to the beginnings of the New World Order. A world where you only have rights as long as what you believe is in sync with what the government says you can believe, which is what they say is the truth.

What am I talking about? I'll tell you what I mean.

Let me first state that I, personally, am not gay. And let me also state that though I'm not gay, I believe you have the right to llive as you see fit. Apparently, President Bush doesn't seem to agree.

The President seems to believe that same-sex marriages are against the "definition" of marriage. His definiton of marriage being a man and a woman becoming united as one. The last time I checked, marriage was the union of two people who love each other and want to show a symbol of their love and commitment through marriage, gay, straight or otherwise.

If two people love each other enough to want to be forever commited to one another, the who are we to say they cannot be married? Bush's standpoint is based not an official "defintion" of marriage, but in fact, on a religious "definition" of marriage. And as far as I can remember, there is a small rule about separation of church and state.

But I guess we can overlook that rule as long as it supports the President's right to be judge, jury, and, yes, especially in this case, executioner. Right? A little bit of left hand completely ignoring what the right hand is doing.

Deep thought for the day: It's the end of the world as we know it... and we feel fine.


Today is: Chasing me with a dull machete! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Took a Myers-Briggs Personality test and I am:

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Well, la-dee-frickin-da! Whatever!

Deep thought for the day: Umm...uhh...ahh... You know what? I'm drawing a blank here...


Today is: O-Tay! (All things considered)

Things can't be all bad if I get 9.1 on Hot or Not. For now, anyways...
We'll see just how long that lasts. I give it 2 days, if I'm lucky. Have to wait and see. Don't believe I've got a 9.1?



14 votes
Rate me!

Like I said, it probably won't last long. Unless, of course, I get some good scores. You can always help me, if you'd like to. Just go to the following address:


Or just click on the RATE ME in the box.

Help me out. I would appreciate it. Every little vote of 9 or 10 helps.

Deep thought for the day: I am the son, and the heir... I am human, and I need to be loved...


Testing... Testing.. 1... 2... 3.... sibilance.... sibilance....
Today is: Tiring and Trying, to say the least...

Okay... WTF?! Why the hell won't my damned template allow me to edit a link to the smart and adorable Cat Schwartz's website? I can edit all the links to other sites, but as soon as I try to add one to www.catschwartz.com, not only won't it let me add it, but it makes the other links mysteriously disappear!

Again, I repeat, "WTF?!"

Oh f***ing well! It pisses me off, but what can I do? Sorry, Cat! Don't doubt I still love ya to death, Cutie Cat!

Anyone who likes cute techie gurls should definitely visit both of her sites:

www.catschwartz.com(Cat's blog site) and c4t.textamerica.com(Cat's Moblog) with pictures of the everloving cutie geek-gurl, Cat Schwartz!

P.S. Tell her James from wyldrabbit.blogspot.com sent you!

Deep thought for the day: What is the damned point of keeping my head screwed on straight, if I'm still likely to lose my mind anyway???


Yesterday was: Sweet and snuggly (In Theory)

So, it was V-Day. Yippee! (sarcasm, people) Are we sure the the V is for Valentine, and not for Veterans' Day? After all the fighting we do with each other to find the perfect gift for our "Significant Other", it may as well be.

Have you ever been witness to some of the all-out brawls people will get into over the "last perfect" bouqet of flowers? It can be downright frightening.

After all, why the hell do we need the card and candy manufacturers telling us when, where, and how to express our feelings for the ones we love? Have we gotten so lazy and apathetic as a people that we don't show and tell how we truly feel for the ones we truly love until it pops up on a calendar?

Here's a thought, if we didn't all just rest on our laurels, as well as our butts until that "special gift-giving holiday" maybe some relationships would last a lot longer, fewer hearts would be broken, and, God Forbid, some of the morons who thrive on making money from centering their "entertaining" TV on the break-ups of loving partnerships would go out of business!

"Oh, no! Say it ain't so!"

Yeah, it could be. Bite me, Jerry Springer! Don't get me wrong. It's not his, or any other "CrapTV" hosts' faults. It's really our own! Have we become so embittered against the L-Word (Love, for those with a short attention span) that we actually get our jollies by watching other people's relationships fall apart on national television. Relationships that could have been possibly kept alive or repaired by one person, it doesn't matter which, in the relationship telling how they felt and asking if their partner still felt the same?

Three Little Words aren't so much to say to keep Love alive. TODAY is Valentine's Day, TOMORROW is Valentine's Day, EVERY DAY is Valentine's Day if we only wish it so.

Deep thought for the day: Put a little love in your heart. And the world will be a better place. For you and me. You just wait, you'll see...

P.S. I love you Jessica Corbin, Cat Schwartz, and Sarah Lane! Keep doing what you lovely ladies do so well!



Apparently, Cat Schwartz doesn't like me! I have now officially written to her twice through the Contact link on her page, www.catschwartz.com, and... nothing! :(

I didn't think I creeped women out before they get to know me. Shows what I know. I've read online about other people around the planet writing her and getting responses from the lovely Cat, but not me.

Do I really suck that bad?

Deep thought for the day: Don't fear the reaper... or the fiber, apparently. Fiber or the Reaper, either way you aren't gonna come out smelling like roses when they're done with ya!


Okay, all I can say is "What the hell is going on here?!"

My fears have been confirmed. My theory that reality has somewhat shifted is in the beginning phases of being confirmed. I'm relaxing and watching TV, when I remember 30 Minute Meals with Rachael Ray is on. So I turn to the Food Network to watch and something is not right.

It's Rachael Ray, but not. Same pretty face and smile, but sans bubbly personality. It's like the Stepford Rachael. She seems so subdued, like some evil TV exec told her that her personality just didn't vibe with the show or some bullshit like that.

Yes! I'm pissed! I want the old Rachael Ray. The Rachael I've known and grown to love. I miss her. I'm just hoping and praying this may be some old episode that's being replayed, before she was allowed to be cute, happy, and perky. If it's not and some know-nothing, evil TV exec told Rachael to change her personality for TV purposes and "tone it down a notch or two", I kid you not there will be HELL TO PAY.

Rachael, don't you change for those soul-less, no-personality freaks they call expert TV execs. You are wonderful just the way you are. Or were, as the case may be. A world without a perky, upbeat Rachael Ray is not a world I care to live in!

Random thought: Hey TV execs, my friend, Mr. Foot needs to meet your friend, Mr. Ass! Just keep pushing, fools! My wrath will be great!
Today is: A puzzle within an enigma wrapped up in mystery.

My cat is acting completely insane today. She has this habit lately of coming up to me and sniffing me. You probably are thinking that this is what cats do, but not my cat. My cat doesn't just come up and randomly sniff me. It's starting to freak me out.

Apparently, the paradigm that is reality has once again shifted, and not necessarily in my favor. Every dream lately has been a sort of surreal horror movie inmy head. The weird thing is they all seem to be set in the same odd little neighborhood and, more specifically, in this same little house.

Never before, in my real life, have I ever stepped foot in a house that even somewhat resembles this house. I know it's the same house because, and I kid you not, the house feels and smells the same every time. This place is so real to me that I can actually experience things like smells, tastes, and touch in these dreams.

I just pray I never come across anything that would cause physical pain or injury, because I am certain I would that as well. Then again, the curious side of my nature wonders just how deep I could become involved in these dreams. What if I were to become so absorbed that I can't find my way back out. And would that be so bad considering my real life is pretty unfulfilling at this point.

More to the point, what if this life is the dream and my "dreams" are my real life beckoning me back?

And if this is all no more than a dream, why can't I find something more exciting than writing in my blog? Story of my life, I suppose: Life in a fog, head in a blog.

Deep thought for the day: What if I try to justify the paradigms of my lifetime and, in turn, find it's only worth about 20 cents?