
Yesterday was: Sweet and snuggly (In Theory)

So, it was V-Day. Yippee! (sarcasm, people) Are we sure the the V is for Valentine, and not for Veterans' Day? After all the fighting we do with each other to find the perfect gift for our "Significant Other", it may as well be.

Have you ever been witness to some of the all-out brawls people will get into over the "last perfect" bouqet of flowers? It can be downright frightening.

After all, why the hell do we need the card and candy manufacturers telling us when, where, and how to express our feelings for the ones we love? Have we gotten so lazy and apathetic as a people that we don't show and tell how we truly feel for the ones we truly love until it pops up on a calendar?

Here's a thought, if we didn't all just rest on our laurels, as well as our butts until that "special gift-giving holiday" maybe some relationships would last a lot longer, fewer hearts would be broken, and, God Forbid, some of the morons who thrive on making money from centering their "entertaining" TV on the break-ups of loving partnerships would go out of business!

"Oh, no! Say it ain't so!"

Yeah, it could be. Bite me, Jerry Springer! Don't get me wrong. It's not his, or any other "CrapTV" hosts' faults. It's really our own! Have we become so embittered against the L-Word (Love, for those with a short attention span) that we actually get our jollies by watching other people's relationships fall apart on national television. Relationships that could have been possibly kept alive or repaired by one person, it doesn't matter which, in the relationship telling how they felt and asking if their partner still felt the same?

Three Little Words aren't so much to say to keep Love alive. TODAY is Valentine's Day, TOMORROW is Valentine's Day, EVERY DAY is Valentine's Day if we only wish it so.

Deep thought for the day: Put a little love in your heart. And the world will be a better place. For you and me. You just wait, you'll see...

P.S. I love you Jessica Corbin, Cat Schwartz, and Sarah Lane! Keep doing what you lovely ladies do so well!


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