
Okay, all I can say is "What the hell is going on here?!"

My fears have been confirmed. My theory that reality has somewhat shifted is in the beginning phases of being confirmed. I'm relaxing and watching TV, when I remember 30 Minute Meals with Rachael Ray is on. So I turn to the Food Network to watch and something is not right.

It's Rachael Ray, but not. Same pretty face and smile, but sans bubbly personality. It's like the Stepford Rachael. She seems so subdued, like some evil TV exec told her that her personality just didn't vibe with the show or some bullshit like that.

Yes! I'm pissed! I want the old Rachael Ray. The Rachael I've known and grown to love. I miss her. I'm just hoping and praying this may be some old episode that's being replayed, before she was allowed to be cute, happy, and perky. If it's not and some know-nothing, evil TV exec told Rachael to change her personality for TV purposes and "tone it down a notch or two", I kid you not there will be HELL TO PAY.

Rachael, don't you change for those soul-less, no-personality freaks they call expert TV execs. You are wonderful just the way you are. Or were, as the case may be. A world without a perky, upbeat Rachael Ray is not a world I care to live in!

Random thought: Hey TV execs, my friend, Mr. Foot needs to meet your friend, Mr. Ass! Just keep pushing, fools! My wrath will be great!


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