
Today is: Fartly Cloudy with a 70% chance of Pain

Jeeeezus, my life is boring!

Yes, as a matter of fact I AM BITCHING! So what? It's what I do best. We all do it. If we couldn't bitch, we'd all go nuckin' futs. Trust me, I know what I'm talkin' 'bout, Willis.

Pop culture references totally rock!

Anyway, back to bitching. It sucks not having a job, but then again it sucks having to get off my lazy butt and get a job. I want to be a rock star or a celebrity and get paid millions of dollars a week for getting in front of a camera telling jokes that I don't even have to think up myself. Then I can make multi-millions and STILL BITCH that it's not enough and that I want more money.

Money is the root of all television sitcoms.... or something like that! I have tons of funny stuff I think of all of the time, but I don't have the damn backing to do anything about it. Oh well! Screw it!

Just felt like bitching. Thanks for listening! Do me a favor, if this blathering of bullcrap makes you suicidal, when you write the note, leave me out of it. Thanks in advance!

P.S. Suicide is Stupid! Don't fricking do it! (This is what's called a disclaimer) But I also really do care. After all, things could always be worse... you could be ME!

Deep Thought for the Day: Twenty, Twenty, Twenty-four hours to go, I WANNA BE SEDATED!

Random Thought: That sound you hear when you put the shell to your ear: It's not the ocean, it's the crab that lives in the shell farting!


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