
Today is: Highly caffeinated

Just found the other day by reading Parade, that Amber Tamblyn is single, for now.

In case you have, in fact, been living under a rock without a TV, Amber Tamblyn is the incredibly beautiful and highly talented actress who plays Joan Girardi on Joan of Arcadia. One of the best programs out there these days.

After all, I am probably the last person you would think of as religious. God and I haven't exactly been seeing eye-to-eye as of late.

But above all that, any show that can still get to me on so many levels, even with the religious aspect thrown in, I have to give some serious credit. Of course, this shows incredible depth is due to the natural chemistry of the cast as a whole, and mostly, in my personal opinion, to the skillls of Amber Tamblyn. But I digress.

The whole point of this rambling diatribe, is that I would give just about anything to meet Amber Tamblyn in person to talk with and get to know her on a deeper, more personal level. Is it so much to ask to be able to meet someone I admire this much?

So anyone out there with the connections to make this happen, I would be forever grateful.

Amber, if you happen upon this while web-surfing in your spare time: Thank you for bringing happiness into my otherwise mundane life, even if only an hour a week. You are truly a gift from God. Keep doing what you do so well.

Deep thought for the day: All you need is love. Amber: Hint, hint. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.


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