
Today is: The beginning of the end.

Welcome to the beginnings of the New World Order. A world where you only have rights as long as what you believe is in sync with what the government says you can believe, which is what they say is the truth.

What am I talking about? I'll tell you what I mean.

Let me first state that I, personally, am not gay. And let me also state that though I'm not gay, I believe you have the right to llive as you see fit. Apparently, President Bush doesn't seem to agree.

The President seems to believe that same-sex marriages are against the "definition" of marriage. His definiton of marriage being a man and a woman becoming united as one. The last time I checked, marriage was the union of two people who love each other and want to show a symbol of their love and commitment through marriage, gay, straight or otherwise.

If two people love each other enough to want to be forever commited to one another, the who are we to say they cannot be married? Bush's standpoint is based not an official "defintion" of marriage, but in fact, on a religious "definition" of marriage. And as far as I can remember, there is a small rule about separation of church and state.

But I guess we can overlook that rule as long as it supports the President's right to be judge, jury, and, yes, especially in this case, executioner. Right? A little bit of left hand completely ignoring what the right hand is doing.

Deep thought for the day: It's the end of the world as we know it... and we feel fine.


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