
Today is... Time for ch-ch-ch-changes.

I am really starting to get the phrase: "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Applied for a new a couple of days ago. Okay, not so much a NEW job, as much as a new old job. Yeah, it makes little to no sense to me either. Then again Bush running the country, let alone how he got elected to office makes no sense either. BUT I digress...

Got sick of working for TARGET, so I thought "Hey, what the Hell? Why not apply to one of my old jobs?" Of course, the question is, "Which one?" (Insert theme to Jeopardy here) "OF COURSE!" The answer becomes obvious. "The one I was fired from!"

Lo and behold, they actually want me back. Apparently, I was a good and efficient part of the team. Set aside the fact that I called my old supervisor a plethora of names and invited him to "Go (have sex) with himself" basically, they actually think having me back is a good idea.

Sometimes, just when you think Life can't get any stranger....


Well, this should be interesting, to say the least. Hold on to your hats, kids, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Deep Thought of the Day: When the world gets in my face, I say, "Have a nice day!"


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