
Today is: Disappointing as yesterday, and the day before that, and so and so forth

Why am I invisible to beatuiful women. Hell, 99.9 of women! I say all the right things, I respect women for all that they are, not just their bodies and nothing changes.

My female friends tell me what they want in a man. They go item by item: sensitive, loving, respectful, sensitive to their needs when it comes to sex, etc. The whole laundry list, so to speak, and I find myself fitting the bill... except when it comes to being "Hot".

So, basically I am what women say they want and yet... NOTHING! "What am I doing wrong?" is my question and I have yet to find the answer to finding a intelligent, funny, attractive woman on whose Love Radar I'm so much as a small blip.

Especially when I have a Best Friend who is beautiful, thinks I'm a sweetheart, but still doesn't give me so much as a second thought when it comes to guys she would consider dating.

So, I sit back and watch her get continually treated like crap by these "men", and I use the term very loosely, and continue to be the guy she comes to when she has Guy Problems, the proverbial Shoulder To Cry On and it kills me inside to know she'll never think of me as a potential boyfriend.

I shall never rise above the rank of Friend, which is not all bad. I love being her friend and being there for her. She is the sweetest girl I know. I just wish she could see me as more.

And don't even get me started on what happens when I tell girls I am attracted to them. It starts out fine. I get to know a girl, get to be really good friends, hanging out all the time, etc., but then I start feeling something more than friendship for them; and, no, I don't mean Lust. More than Lust, but not necessarily Love. Of course, I'm not really sure as to what the hell Love is anymore...

Then, I make the Universally-Stupid mistake of telling her how I feel for her and BAM!, she doesn't call to hang out, she doesn't talk to me when I'm hanging out with mutual friends, who some happen to also be family, she doesn't even seem to notice I exist.

Thus, a whole new level of INVISIBLE MAN is borne. "Why am I so unattractive to woman?!", I wonder.

Then, I look in the mirror and all confusion is washed away. I hate my reflection. I want to take all the mirrors in all the world and smash them. I can't be THAT ugly... CAN I???

Deep Thought for the day: MISCHIEF. MAYHEM. SOAP.


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