
Today is: Ehhh... who cares??

You know what? I think I'll just write whatever the hell comes to mind. Why? Because no one reads my drivel anyway! I could sit here and bitch but nobody would ever notice anyway, because it's hard to notice things that are completely invisible.

Trust me. The only time anyone notices me is when I screw up or they need me to do them a favor. Can you tell that I'm miserable, yet?

No one of the opposite sex even notices me outside of wanting "to be friends". The universal nice way of saying "You're unattractive and/or pathetic and there is no way in Hell I would ever date you unless I really became desperate, but I will do you the favor of calling you whenever I need a favor, and in turn you get to temporarily feel needed."

I lost my job yesterday because my inborn "Screw-Up" gene kicked in and caused to make too many mistakes, costing the place I worked for too much money. Yippee! Yea, Me! If I was someone else and saw me on the street, I would probably kick my own ass just for good measure.

I don't know what to do anymore! I am seriously considering Baker Acting myself and getting permanently committed to the local Looney Bin, Sanitarium, Mental hospital.... whatever the hell they call it nowadays, just to get some well-needed Peace, Quiet, Rest and Therapy. The only problem is someone has to give a damn enough to be willing to listen to my problems without wanting to choke my dumb ass out. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I don't sleep, eat, or socialize properly anymore. Oh, who the hell cares?! I think I'm going to stop writing for tonight and deluding myself into believing that anybody actually reads my pathetic complaints and/or really cares, when I know that's not true.

Good night, Voices In My Head. Get some rest. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day.

Deep Thought for the Day: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!


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