
Today is: Lost, confused, and slightly cloudy

Okay, just a few words of advice, kids. If you have a "million-dollar idea" in your head, a way to have it possibly produced by a corporation, and a meeting with said corporation to see if they like your "million-dollar idea", do yourself a favor: don't drive all the way to the meeting with the corporation and arrive just in time to realize you have left your "million-dollar idea" at home on your dining room table. It really won't do you any damned good. Luckily, I, the now self-proclaimed World's Biggest Jackass have a second chance because I can fine-tune my idea and mail it to the corporation for consideration.

Deep thought for today: If my mind were an egg, it would be heavily scrambled to a golden-brown with a nice side of scrapple.

P.S. For those who don't know...

Scrapple:(noun): a seasoned mixture of ground meat (as pork) and cornmeal set in a mold and served sliced and fried. Good stuff!


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